Teaching Media Fluency

 With the media being such a prevalent way to get messages across to people, especially students who are paying attention, it is vital that we educate them on media fluency. Students must be able to relate the information of the media effectively and efficiently through technology. This integration should be relevant through technology and communicated collaboratively. Therefore, the ability to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information to be beneficial is important for people of all generations, especially students (Hunsapun & Chen, 2019). It is important for teachers to explain to students that they must understand the information presented and then interpret that so that all parties, teachers and students, understand and can present it without having a biased opinion. Presenting all of the facts is essential as well.

Students should understand how to effectively seek information and be able to apply it in the classroom. In the digital age, the gap existing among students with regard to their digital competence should be getting more attention from K-12 schools, as digital competence has been determined to be a crucial variable having an impact on the learning abilities and learning outcomes of students (Chou & Chiu, 2020). Technology should be far more than just research and picture surfing on the web for students. Digital fluency should correlate with instruction in the class to progress their ideas and learning so, they incorporate the learning into real-life situations. Having students practice and show their skills in technology through collaboration and teamwork allows those skills to be worked on as well as how to provide feedback to others in the group.

Chou, Y. C., & Chiu, C. H. (2020). The development and validation of a digital fluency scale for preadolescents. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher29, 541-551.

Hunsapun, N., & Chen, J. C. C. (2019) The Most Cited Articles of Information Literacy in K-12 Education of Asia Countries from 2010 to 2019.


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