Security of Data in the Future

Security for data will be just as important today as it was yesterday, and even more so in the future. Security of the data we use that is both personal and for education should be secure so that both teachers, parents, and students can focus on the task at hand and not worry about where the data will end up. Now days, there are so many test that are taken online for standardized testing, teacher proficiency testing, online learning, and even daily student projects that have personal information in them. This kind of data and information should be secure not just for personal reasons, but for plagiarism and other breach of confidentiality reasons as well.

With technology being the way most people communicate and learn, any information should be secure at home as well as at school. Teachers must understand and teach students how to professionally and ethically attain information and keep it secure. Safety refers to teachers’ knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to design and develops learning experiences that promote, model, and train students as digitally responsible citizens (Gallego-Arrufat, 2019). The future of data and information security relies on the growth and development of technology along with the concurrent use of the technology. There is new and improved technology introduced to society for personal, educational, and business use every day and our job is to use it with care and professionalism. The future of data protection is a holistic approach to various data security needs lying around in computer storages and in protecting data and the many options that needs to be available to safeguard that data (Admin, 2021). Multiple data checks and security points must be made in order to secure information and keep it locked.



Gallego-Arrufat, M. J. G. A., Torres-Hernández, N. T. H., Pessoa, T. P., Gallego-Arrufat, M. J.,           Torres-Hernández, N., & Pessoa, T. (2019). Competence of future teachers in the digital security area. Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal, 27(2).


Admin. (2021, August 27). The Future Of Data Security? Blog.


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